On Wed, Dec 18, 2002 at 12:52:53 +0100, David Olofson wrote:
> Right. I've mentioned that you're really meant to deal only with the 
> current block, and thus, we're *not* talking about low rates of 
> changes. (BTW, AudioUnits also does it this way, if I understand it 
> correctly. You have to keep telling the receiving control about the 
> ramp for each block.)

Is that what we're doing, retelling the pliugin about the current ramps?
I'm, not sure if that is helpful or not. Agian, I;d have to try it to find
> It seems to me that we should do like everyone else: Linear ramps 
> only. Dead simple (well, almost), well defined and *very* much better 
> than no ramps at all.

Yeah, and thier easy to ingore ;)

- Steve

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