On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 11:26:11AM +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:

> Alfons Adriaensen hat gesagt: // Alfons Adriaensen wrote:
> > Apart from how Frank's name got mangled up, there are some other
> > gems: 'the case of hammer' (Hammerfall), 
> I liked that one. It sounds like a story by E.A. Poe or Conan Doyle.
> But I wonder, what german word "necht" should be. I never heard that
> word in Germany...

"Echt" in Dutch and German is "real" or "genuine", so google probably
just dropped the 'n'.

"Knecht" is Dutch (and maybe also German), and is the male form of
"maid" as in "kitchenmaid" - a domestic or farm labourer. In Dutch the
word is these days used only to denote the 'assistants', as opposed
to the 'leader' in a cycling team.


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