On Fri, 2004-06-11 at 03:42, Tim Orford wrote: > i dont mean to be aggressive, i'm just really intrigued to > know how people get any music done. There is never any talk on > this list or LAU about real software usage or workflows etc. >
Most of that talk is on ardour-dev. Ask Ron Parker about workflow. He's got his setup pretty much under control (with the occasional bug of course :) > for most people its not enough just to be able to do something, > it has to be doable without impacting productivity or creativity. > > my personal experience is this: Music production is now an > integrated process where the synthesis, composition, programming, > recording, arrangement, and mixing of music overlap and everything > is editable at all stages. I guess i'm biased by my own desires and > studio experiences, but i do beleive this is what the majority of > people want. > > such a system is not acheivable by bedroom hackers, it requires > some cooperation and organisation. Currently all we have are > the supporting peripherals (synths, editors, fx). > I am recording/mixing originals alone and with my band(s) using Ardour, effects from LADSPA (SWH and TAP for the most part), mastering with JAMin, final clip with Audacity, and burning CDs with XCDRoast. I don't do MIDI or synths, I use guitars, harmonicas, bass, percussion, real drums or loops, bass, and keys when I can find someone that will lay down tracks ;-) I don't know what the state of the MIDI apps is at this point but Ardour and JAMin are usable. Also, being one of those bedroom hackers, I just want to point out that I've been a professional programmer for 26 years. I've done mostly scientific graphical editing and data structures programming, but also real-time data acquisition. I've worked on just about every OS known to man (including the dreaded OS360). Why is there always this assumption that the only people who work on open source projects are kids in college and weekend warriors? The things that I don't understand (like DSP :) are covered by other "bedroom hackers" like Paul Davis, Steve Harris, Jack O'Quin, Taybin Rutkin, Jesse Chappell, Andrew Morton, Linus Torvalds... ;-) Jan