On Fri, Jun 11, 2004 at 10:42:14 +0200, Tim Orford wrote:
> > I did a gig last year, where I used a midi floor controller that ran shell
> > scripts which (un)made connections in a jack graph (and some other
> > stuff). I'd like to know what other OSs let you do that :)
> ok, tell us what you were actually trying to acheive by this and
> i'll tell you how you can do it on Doze. Obviously the solution
> on another platform is not going to involve jack:-) Anyway i
> agree, jack has great potential, and is probably the no.1 acheivement 
> that has come out of linux audio.

I had 8 channels of audio coming and I was routing it between a
combination of AMS, SSM, jack-rack and tapiir (I think). I wanted to
change the routing on the fly.

Obviously it /can/ be done in windows (turing complete), but i bet it
would have been a hell of a lot harder.
> i dont mean to be aggressive, i'm just really intrigued to
> know how people get any music done. There is never any talk on
> this list or LAU about real software usage or workflows etc.

There is sometimes, but most people post to this list when they have
problems, not successes. These are also the linux audio lists, not the
linux music lists.

There are things like noize farm where people post thier synth patches,
and linux music blog websites.

> such a system is not acheivable by bedroom hackers, it requires
> some cooperation and organisation. Currently all we have are
> the supporting peripherals (synths, editors, fx).
> is there really noone here who is seriously interested in this?

Sure, the people aho actually want to make money off this stuff.

- Steve

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