As far as I see it, we'll at least get listened to by Con, Ingo and
Andrew Morton. I've had a long discussion with Con recently and from his
point of view, the problem is that not enough people ask (loud enough)
for such features. For instance, I'm still the first and only user of
his real-time patch.

This is a really good point. I mean, how many of the people on linux-*user* have written to the kernel people making noise? How many even know how to do that? I know I don't, and I know tons of musicians are just starting to take a serious look at linux in the last year, so the groundswell is starting to happen. ( Thanks to everyone on here whoo hoo! ) Letter writing works. If you guys put a page up or a post on all related forums explaining to us newbies and end users what kind of noise we should make and how to make it politely and intelligently so it adds weight to your request, I suspect a lot of people would be happy to oblige, and I have a hard time believing it wouldn't have an effect. I mean who doesn't want their work to be the world's best platform for something?


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