Jay Vaughan wrote:
 > > There are public-domain RTOSes available that are suitable for this
 > > task. To those, you can add drivers for USB and FAT32. Without an
 > > RTOS to give you hard real-time scheduling, you have no chance to
 > > achieve the rock-steady timing that the MPC currently has.
that sucks. that really does. because my linux systems have the same
rock steady timing as the MPC. actually, their timing is even better
than the MPC. somebody must have made a mistake around here.

i assure you, linux performs on par with "other public-domain RTOSes" in the real-time department, in the right hands .. like all good instruments ..

Guys, one question that, I believe, has been answered before. Is the service manual enough to start the OS from scratch?

# Service Manual

# Where it all started

Thanks for all the help and comments! I am very glad to have joined this mailing list ;=)
fn:Renich Bon Ciric
n:Bon Ciric;Renich
adr;quoted-printable:Providencia;;Filadelfia #1298 PH;Guadalajara;Jalisco;44620;M=C3=A9xico
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel;home:33 3817 5311

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