On 11/3/06, Jens M Andreasen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 2006-11-03 at 13:42 +1100, Loki Davison wrote:

> mmm. I think they are missing the point about ALSA vs OSS api here. It
> doesn't matter. The only one who should care about alsa vs oss is the
> jack guys who write the jack backend. Everyone else uses the clear,
> nice, well implemented, well documented modern and sensible jack api
> instead of some very 80's style pipe based system.

JACK isn't based on "some very 80' style" named pipes anymore? When did
that happen?

I actually meant vs a callback based system. Jack being callback based
makes it easier to understand in my mind. I didn't mention named
pipes, just the | <> signs. Even without the pipe section i think the
comment still stands. As a person new to all 3 i found jack by far the
easiest to understand and use.


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