On Fri, 2006-11-03 at 18:37 +1100, Loki Davison wrote:

> I actually meant vs a callback based system. Jack being callback based
> makes it easier to understand in my mind. I didn't mention named
> pipes, just the | <> signs. Even without the pipe section i think the
> comment still stands. As a person new to all 3 i found jack by far the
> easiest to understand and use.

You have used shell syntax as a glue between various audio applications?
Hats off to you then, I would have thought to be unpossible, that gcc
was a minimum requirement ... at least I am not getting anywhere without
taking that route, opening an audio device using 'ioctl' ( ... which I
copy/pasted from another app, not totally unlike how one would copy
'simple_jack_client' and fill in the blanks)

> Loki

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