Hi there,

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 11:03 PM, Oliver Mattos
> Hi,
> It looks to me like if all the attributes were per file, and files
> automatically inherited settings from the parent, and users weren't
> allowed to change inherited permissions (only root could), then you
> could get the same effect as per volume controls.
> The above could be enforced at the option of the sysAdmin\distro.
> On the other hand if the attributes are per volume then you can't
> individually set attributes for individual files unless you create one
> volume per file, which doesn't sound like a clean solution.
> As far as I can see, all the use cases that call for per-volume
> configuration are also satisfied by per file configuration with
> inheritance, but not vice versa.

You have convinced me.
If this works with default inheritance enabled, so that not only
child/leaf files of a dir tree get the dir setting, but also new
files, then, it fits my usage model and "wanted" features :)

> An example where I would want compressed and uncompressed files in the
> same folder is where I have a Virtual Machine with two disks, each
> stored in a disk image on a btrfs partition - disk 1 is the root
> filesystem and compressed to save space, since it contains a lot of
> "zero" bytes, but disk 2 is the virtual swap disk, which isn't
> compressed due to needing fast low overhead access.  Since both files
> are associated with the same virtual machine I want to keep them in the
> same folder on the same volume.

That's a good realistic scenario were per-volume settings indeed fail
to behave "properly".

> To resolve the problem with "random" attributes being set on random
> files, I propose a utility is created to reset all attributes on all
> files in a directory tree.  Another utility could list all non-inherited
> (ie. not the same as the parent) attributes, then you can very quickly
> see which directories are compressed\encrypted.
> Thanks
> Oliver
> On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 22:14 +0000, Miguel Figueiredo Mascarenhas Sousa
> Filipe wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 6:09 PM, Lee Trager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > On Tue, Dec 09, 2008 at 05:22:18PM +0100, Christian Hesse wrote:
>> >> On Tuesday 09 December 2008, Miguel Figueiredo Mascarenhas Sousa Filipe 
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > Hi there,
>> >> >
>> >> > On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Lee Trager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> > > Currently compression and I assume if encryption is implemented it is
>> >> > > turned on or off during mount. There are however many times when a 
>> >> > > user
>> >> > > may want to select which files/directories they want to compress or
>> >> > > encrypt. This will also be helpful when implementing btrfs support in
>> >> > > grub for example. We can say the disk can be compressed/encrypted 
>> >> > > except
>> >> > > for /boot so compression/encryption doesn't have to be implemented in
>> >> > > grub.
>> >>
>> >> You could just use an additional partition for /boot that has compression 
>> >> an
>> >> encryption disabled...
>> >>
>> > Yes you could but many distributions are moving away from that such as
>> > ubuntu. Also while this works well on desktop and server environments
>> > where space is not an issue on embedded systems where free space is
>> > measured in kb or mb it starts becomming a huge issue.
>> >
>> >> > > I was thinking of adding this functionality to the userspace 
>> >> > > application
>> >> > > btrfstune. The way I was thinking of doing this is when btrfstune +c 
>> >> > > is
>> >> > > applied to a directory or file the directory(and all its contents) or
>> >> > > file will always be compressed reguardless of how the filesystem is
>> >> > > mounted. The opposite would happen when btrfstune -c is used.
>> >> > >
>> >> > > Would this be a reasonable thing to implement? Any suggestions before 
>> >> > > I
>> >> > > start doing this?
>> >> >
>> >> > Things like compression or encription should be used at the "volume" 
>> >> > level.
>> >>
>> >> That was what I said some time ago when I asked why encryption support for
>> >> btrfs is planned. On a volume level you can use dm-crypt and the fs can
>> >> ignore that part completely.
>> >>
>> >> The answer was that different users on a home partition could use their 
>> >> own
>> >> encryption key. That sounds like volume level is out of bet. ;)
>> >>
>> > It does seem that doing it with volumes would limit user control and add
>> > lots of complexity to such a simple task.
>> >
>> > Miguel, what is your reason for suggesting this be done at the volume 
>> > level?
>> Well, basically, the main issue I have with file level configuration,
>> is maintenance nightmare in the long term.
>> Redundancy level settings (raid0,1,5,6..), and compression/encription,
>> to me, seem like a sub-volume setting.
>> Its the right granularity to manage and mantain data and interact with it.
>> If I want this folders compressed.. I can just move them to my
>> compressed sub-vol.
>> If I want files: a, b/weird_path/D, and NSA/* confidential, I put them
>> in my encripted sub-vol.
>> Imagine working on a confidencial project, where you add new
>> files/folders practilly everyday, and every single day, you must
>> remember to (and bother to do extra word so that..) set that file as a
>> encripted one.
>> Also, by using sub-vols like this, and if redudancy is applied at the
>> same level, things just play nice, I can have distinct mount-points
>> that represent data that I want with a given set of
>> redundancy/compression and encription rules.
>> It becomes easier to mantain, and use.
>> Just imagine having a "confidencial" or a "compressed" mountpoint/disk
>>  ICON in you desktop, and just knowing that files in there are
>> encripted and/or compressed.
>> Versus, having to browser your file and look for a specific
>> "encripted" or "compressed" flag, that the file explorer shows if they
>> play nice...
>> Now... if its at the file level, It can be troublesome to look for
>> allfiles encripted/compressed.
>> Also, knowing the encription key to each file (if it's set at the file
>> level) ... argh!!
>> Doing this file based, seems to me that will lead to complication the
>> long term maintenance of things.
>> In the long term, when someone picks up, or mounts a old, used system,
>> I can't imagine the butload of work involved in finding out things
>> like:
>> - what in this 4TB fs is compressed, what is encripted?
>> - (in case of redundancy at the file level): how many redundancy
>> levels do I have, and which files respectively?
>> - why is rsync/scp 'ing this folder/BIG_NESTED_TREE_OF_FILES allways
>> "stop" at folder/**/fileB and folder/z*/* ?
>>  (might it be that some unsuspecting file in there has a trully beasty
>> compression ratio, and that 4GB fileB (in the middle of other 4GB
>> files), is instead a 80Gb file compressed ?
>> I also don't like extended attributes, we're just creating a whole new
>> orthogonal dimension/namespace were we store/manipulate information..
>> it also complicates backups (does the backup system understand and
>> respects ext. attrs?)
>> It's messier doing these things with extended attributes or very
>> custom tools, instead of levelaging/creating a volume management tool,
>> for managing this, such tool will allready be there to manage the
>> fisical storage <-> filesystems/volumes mappings and settings.. might
>> has well leverage it.
>> Kind regards,
>> >
>> >> > So.. if a user wants a specific set of files or dirs ..they should
>> >> > create a mount-point/volume like:
>> >> >
>> >> > private_vol
>> >> > bigarchives_vol
>> >> >
>> >> > and set those volumes as compressed or encripted volumes
>> >> >
>> >> > Regarding usability, the best would be for the sub-volume creation
>> >> > tool to optionally allow passing encription/compression arguments.
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > and then:
>> >> >  should mount those volumes somewhere like: ~/Confidential or 
>> >> > ~/Archives.
>> >> >
>> >> > Basically, do it at the directory level (which in btrfs is at the
>> >> > sub-volume level).
>> >> > File-level granularity is totally unmanageable in the long term.
>> >> >
>> >> > Kind regards,
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Regards,
>> >> Chris
>> >
>> > Lee
>> >

Miguel Sousa Filipe
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