Tomasz Torcz wrote:
On Thu, Jan 06, 2011 at 02:19:04AM +0100, Spelic wrote:
CPU can handle considerably more than 250 block hashings per
second. You could argue that this changes in cases of sequential
I/O on big files, but a 1.86GHz GHz Core2 can churn through
111MB/s of SHA256, which even SSDs will struggle to keep up with.
A normal 1TB disk with platters can do 130MB/sec sequential, no problems.
A SSD can do more like 200MB/sec write 280MB/sec read sequential or
random and is actually limited only by the SATA 3.0gbit/sec but soon
enough they will have SATA/SAS 6.0gbit/sec.

  By “soon enough” you really meant “a year ago”, I think:
Current 6Gbps SSD are doing 415 MB/s sequential:
or even claim 550MB/s:
(funny bit: Sandforce SSD controllers dedup internally).
  Anyway, 6Gbps is not a future tale, but something long available.
And not the fastest kids on the block:  currently build filesystems
must deal storage providing many gigabytes per second.  Think
of massive disk arrays or stuff like Oracle F5100, claiming
12.8GB/sec read and ~10GB/s write (in one rack unit).

Sequential figures look nice and impressive but we all know they are meaningless for most real world workloads. IOPS are where it's at. And maybe you can get 100,000 IOPS out of an SSD. But that still means 100,000 SHA256 hashes/second. That's 3.2MB/s of SHA256 hashes, or about 2% of what a modern x64 CPU will do, assuming it doesn't have a suitable hardware crypto accelerator for that algorithm. So on a reasonably recent quad core CPU you would probably be able to comfortably handle about 200x that before it starts becoming an issue. If you're that concerned about space requirements, doing LZO compression will still be much more expensive.

And that's only for writes - on reads we don't need to do any hashing (although it's useful to do for the disk error checking reasons explained earlier).

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