On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 12:07 PM, C Anthony Risinger <anth...@extof.me> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 1:47 PM, Freddie Cash <fjwc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Marcin Kuk <marcin....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Rsync is good, but not for all cases. Be aware of databases files -
>>> you should do snapshot filesystem before rsyncing.
>> We script a dump of all databases before the rsync runs, so we get
>> both text and binary backups.  If restoring the binary files doesn't
>> work, then we just suck in the text dumps.
>> If the remote system supports snapshots, doing a snapshot before the
>> rsync runs is a good idea, though.  It'll be nice when more
>> filesystems support in-line snapshots.  The LVM method is pure crap.
> do you also use the --in-place option for rsync?  i would think this
> is critical to getting the most out of "btrfs folding backups", ie.
> the most reuse between snapshots?  im able to set this exact method up
> for my home network, thats why i ask... i have a central server that
> runs everything, and i want to sync a couple laptops and netbooks
> nightly, and a few specific directories whenever they change.  btrfs
> on both ends.

Yes, we do use --inplace, forgot about that one.

Full rsync command used:
${rsync} ${rsync_options} \
    --exclude-from="${defaultsdir}/${rsync_exclude}" ${rsync_exclude_server} \
    --rsync-path="${rsync_path}" --rsh="${ssh} -p ${rsync_port} -i
${defaultsdir}/${rsync_key}" \
    --log-file="${logdir}/${rsync_server}.log" \

Where rsync_options is:
--archive --delete-during --delete-excluded --hard-links --inplace
--numeric-ids --stats

> better yet, any chance you'd share some scripts? :-)

A description of what we use, including all scripts, is here:

> as for the DB stuff, you definitely need to snapshot _before_ rsync.  roughly:
> ) read lock and flush tables
> ) snapshot
> ) unlock tables
> ) mount snapshot
> ) rsync from snapshot

Unfortunately, we don't use btrfs or LVM on remote servers, so there's
no snapshotting available during the backup run.  In a perfect world,
btrfs would be production-ready, ZFS would be available on Linux, and
we'd no longer need the abomination called LVM.  :)

Until then, DB text dumps are our fall-back.  :)

Freddie Cash
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