On Tuesday, January 25, 2011 18:29:35 Kaspar Schleiser wrote:
> On 01/22/2011 02:55 PM, Hubert Kario wrote:
> >> It looks like ZFS, Btrfs, and LVM should work in similar manners, but
> >> the overloaded terminology (pool, volume, sub-volume, filesystem are
> >> different in all three) and new terminology that's only in Btrfs is
> >> confusing.
> > 
> > With btrfs you need to have *a* filesystem, once you have it, you can add
> > and remove disks/partitions from it, no need to use 'mkfs.btrfs', just
> > 'btrfs'.
> That's just a design decision, right? There's no need for a "default" or
> "root" subvolume.
> It should be rather easy to change btrfs so that you first have to
> create a "storage pool" which combines disks for btrfs, and on top of
> that you can create "filesystems" which are just subvolumes.
> The creation of a "storage pool" could be very similar to the current
> mkfs, just without the creation of a root subvolume.
> A new, simpler mkfs would then just create a subvolume on top of the
> "storage pool" that can be mounted.
> Regards,
> Kaspar

I'm not sure, but for btrfs to support storage pools the way ZFS does would 
require change in disk layout.

Besides, I don't see *why* this should be done...

And as far as I know ZFS doesn't support different reduncancy levels for 
different files residing in the same directory. You can have 
~/1billion$-project.tar.gz with triple redundancy and ~/temp.video.mkv with no 
reduncancy with btrfs...

Hubert Kario
QBS - Quality Business Software
02-656 Warszawa, ul. Ksawerów 30/85
tel. +48 (22) 646-61-51, 646-74-24
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