Looks good. Only a few comments, inline.

On Wed, Oct 03, 2012 at 01:43:14PM +0200, Goffredo Baroncelli wrote:
> $ ./btrfs filesystem df --help
> usage: btrfs filesystem disk-usage [-d][-s][-k] <path> [<path>..]
>     Show space usage information for a mount point(s).
>     -k  Set KB (1024 bytes) as unit
>     -s  Don't show the summary section
>     -d  Don't show the detail section

   These are kind of logical, but I think would be hard to remember
the right way round. I would suggest swapping the actions of the
switches, and rewording the help:

-s Show only summary section
-d Show only detail section

> $ ./btrfs filesystem df /
> Path: /
> Summary:
>   Disk_size:                 72.57GB

                                    ^ space between the value and the
                                      unit (as ISO says), throughout.
                                      This also makes it easier to
                                      parse, if anyone wants to.

   Also, use kB, MB, GB, TB for powers-of-ten based units, and KiB,
MiB, GiB, TiB for powers-of-two based units, please. I don't care
which you report in, but please do make the distinction. (And note
that it's kB with a lower case k, but KiB with an upper case K). This
brings us in line with the relevant ISO and IEEE standards.

>   Disk_allocated:            25.10GB
>   Disk_unallocated:          47.48GB
>   Logical_size:              23.06GB
>   Used:                      11.01GB
>   Free_(Estimated):          55.66GB    (Max: 59.52GB, Min: 35.78GB)
>   Data_to_disk_ratio:           92 %
> Details:
>   Chunk-type  Mode      Chunk-size Logical-size        Used
>   Data        Single       21.01GB      21.01GB     10.34GB
>   System      DUP          80.00MB      40.00MB      4.00KB
>   System      Single        4.00MB       4.00MB        0.00
>   Metadata    DUP           4.00GB       2.00GB    686.93MB
>   Metadata    Single        8.00MB       8.00MB        0.00

   Why are the field headings here using - where the field headings in
the first section used _? Should you be using _ in both places?


=== Hugo Mills: hugo@... carfax.org.uk | darksatanic.net | lug.org.uk ===
  PGP key: 515C238D from wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net or http://www.carfax.org.uk
    --- The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that ---    
               heralds new discoveries,  is not "Eureka!",               
                          but "That's funny..."                          

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