Le 27/12/2012 16:03, Hugo Mills a écrit :
>    Right now, no, there isn't any way of telling which subvolume is
> mounted at a given location.

Er... Check "subvol=" here...

root@tethys:/# mount | grep btrfs
/dev/mapper/VG1-BTR_POOL on / type btrfs
/dev/mapper/VG1-BTR_POOL on /tmp type btrfs
/dev/sda2 on /boot type btrfs (rw,relatime,subvol=UBUNTU/@boot,autodefrag)
/dev/mapper/VG1-BTR_POOL on /home type btrfs
/dev/mapper/VG1-BTR_POOL on /storage type btrfs
/dev/mapper/VG1-BTR_POOL on /data/BIG type btrfs

Swâmi Petaramesh <sw...@petaramesh.org> http://petaramesh.org PGP 9076E32E
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