On 12/27/2012 11:55 AM, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Dec 27, 2012, at 9:47 AM, Swâmi Petaramesh <sw...@petaramesh.org> wrote:

Le 27/12/2012 16:03, Hugo Mills a écrit :
   Right now, no, there isn't any way of telling which subvolume is
mounted at a given location.
Er... Check "subvol=" here...

root@tethys:/# mount | grep btrfs
/dev/mapper/VG1-BTR_POOL on / type btrfs
/dev/mapper/VG1-BTR_POOL on /tmp type btrfs
/dev/sda2 on /boot type btrfs (rw,relatime,subvol=UBUNTU/@boot,autodefrag)
/dev/mapper/VG1-BTR_POOL on /home type btrfs
/dev/mapper/VG1-BTR_POOL on /storage type btrfs
/dev/mapper/VG1-BTR_POOL on /data/BIG type btrfs

That would only seem to work with btrfs on LVM which I'd think is uncommon and 

Oh thanks for that little reminder that you can put btrfs on an LV.

I am trying to see if I can get grub2 and os-prober to handle btrfs. There are a couple of patches out there but they do little if anything. The btrfs volumes and subvolumes are "not your father's filesystem" 8-)

I have a little of what is needed working but, the more I look at things, the more it looks like some real kludgy hack is going to be needed to have something which works with /dev/<whatever> to now use UUID=xxx,subvol=name

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