On 01/25/2013 10:04 AM, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
OK, I think I have gotten the message that this is a bad idea as implemented and that it should be dropped as such. I believe that there are some things ("btrfs fi show" comes to mind) which will need root and I am going to explore doing something for that case. And it also might be reasonable for some situations to issue the message about root if something errors-out.

Anyway, this approach is dead and I will continue to give this some thought.



On 01/25/2013 06:32 AM, Gene Czarcinski wrote:
This patch hits a lot of files but adds little code.  It
could be considered a bugfix,  Currently, when one of the
btrfs user-space programs is executed by a regular user,
the result if oftem a number of strange error messages
which do not indicate the real problem.  This patch changes
that situation.

A test is performed as to whether the program is running
as root.  If it is not, issue an error message and exit.
Signed-off-by: Gene Czarcinski<g...@czarc.net>
  btrfs-corrupt-block.c | 5 +++++
  btrfs-image.c         | 5 +++++
  btrfs-map-logical.c   | 5 +++++
  btrfs-select-super.c  | 5 +++++
  btrfs-show-super.c    | 5 +++++
  btrfs-show.c          | 5 +++++
  btrfs-vol.c           | 5 +++++
  btrfs-zero-log.c      | 5 +++++
  btrfs.c               | 6 ++++++
  btrfsck.c             | 5 +++++
  btrfsctl.c            | 5 +++++
  btrfstune.c           | 5 +++++
  calc-size.c           | 5 +++++
  convert.c             | 6 ++++++
  debug-tree.c          | 5 +++++
  dir-test.c            | 5 +++++
  find-root.c           | 5 +++++
  ioctl-test.c          | 6 ++++++
  mkfs.c                | 5 +++++
  quick-test.c          | 6 ++++++
  restore.c             | 5 +++++
  21 files changed, 109 insertions(+)

BTW, I want to thank all of you who commented. I have seen far too many submitted patches land with a thump and nothing more ... no comments ... either good or bad.

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