On 03/07/2013 08:11 PM, Swâmi Petaramesh wrote:

mkfs.btrfs v0.20-rc1, as provided in the excellent "Parted Magic" tool,
latest version dated 2013/02/28, is broken :

When trying to mkfs.btrfs - even on newly made, FS-free partition, it
always spits an error that it cannot check partition mount status and fails.

 Can you share the command and error-output. Unless I know the actual
 error any suggestion/comments will just be a guess-work.

There has always been such an issue with mkfs.btrfs AFAIR, but it can
more or less work depending on the distribution etc...

 Yes. Most of these were printed as error without an impact.
 to have confirmation its better if you could share the
 command and its error-output.

regds, Anand

In the past, some versions of mkfs.btrfs had a "-f" option that would
force formatting even if this test failed, but alas this option seems to
have disappeared...

PartedMagic being a "live CD", it might be easy to reproduce and check
what, exactly, goes wrong ?

Kind regards.
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