I have a remarkably similar problem as Ask Bjørn Hansen.

I have a 2TB btrfs filesystem on a SATA drive, on top of an msdos partition 
table, partition 1, without any form of RAID.

I have been using it to make backups using rsync like this:
1) snapshot the previous backup subvolume
2) rsync into the new snapshot
3) If we are overwriting a previous backup "level", drop that previous 
subvolume and rename this one into it's place.
I keep 8 levels in tower-of-hanoi strategy.  It's the same backup script I've 
used for the last 5 years, except I removed the rsync --link-dest and added in 
the btrfs snapshotting, just because dropping a subvolume is so damn quick 
compared to deleting all the files.

After about 400 GB of backups taken all in the same day, but having already 
dropped probably 12 or 13 subvolumes after snapshotting, I get the behavior.

The behavior is:
*) After mounting, things are usually ok for 20 seconds or so, then it starts
*) The disk activity lite burns constantly
*) btrfs-cleaner is fairly high up in 'top'
*) Read/writes to the device are painfully slow
*) I cannot unmount the device, nor cleanly shutdown.
*) Once the system froze hard, no mouse cursor movement, not even the reset 
button worked.

I'm running linux 3.8.3 pulled from git, so no distribution mods or patches.

Happy to run any tests.

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