On Aug 23, 2013, at 10:24 PM, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> wrote:
> When replacing a failed disk, I'd like btrfs to compare states between the 
> available drives and know that it needs to catch up the newly added device, 
> but this doesn't yet happen. It's necessary to call btrfs balance.

I can only test device replacement, not a readd. Upon 'btrfs device delete 
missing /mnt' there's a delay, and it's doing a balance. I don't know what 
happens for a readd, if the whole volume needs balancing or if it's able to 
just write the changes.

> And still further, somehow the data profile has reverted to single even 
> though the mkfs.btfs was raid1. [SNIP] That is a huge bug. I'll try to come 
> up with some steps to reproduce.

If I create the file system, mount it, but I do not copy any data, upon adding 
new and deleting missing, the data profile is changed from raid1 to single. If 
I've first copied data to the volume prior to device failure/missing, this 
doesn't happen, it remains raid1.

Also, again after the missing device is replaced, and the volume rebalanced, 
while the mount option is degraded, subsequent file copies end up on both 
virtual disks. So it says it's degraded but it really isn't? I'm not sure 
what's up here.

Chris Murphy--
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