On 11/12/13 03:19, Imran Geriskovan wrote:


> What's more (in relation to our long term data integrity aim)
> order of magnitude for their unpowered data retension period is
> 1 YEAR. (Read it as 6months to 2-3 years. While powered they
> refresh/shuffle the blocks) This makes SSDs
> unsuitable for mid-to-long tem consumer storage. Hence they are
> out of this discussion. (By the way, the only way for reliable
> duplication on SSDs, is using physically seperate devices.)


Have you any links/quotes/studies/specs for that please?

Does btrfs need to date-stamp each block/chunk to ensure that data is
rewritten before suffering flash memory bitrot?

Is not the firmware in SSDs aware to rewrite any too-long unchanged data?


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