Austin S Hemmelgarn posted on Mon, 30 Dec 2013 11:02:21 -0500 as

> I've actually tried a simmilar configuration myself a couple of times
> (also using Gentoo in-fact), and I can tell you from experience that
> unless things have changed greatly since kernel 3.12.1, it really isn't
> worth the headaches.

Basically what I posted, but "now with added real experience!" (TM) =:^)

> As an alternative to using bcache, you might try something simmilar to
> the following:
>     64G SSD with /boot, /, and /usr Other HDD with /var, /usr/portage,
>     /usr/src, and /home tmpfs or ramdisk for /tmp and /var/tmp
> This is essentially what I use now, and I have found that it
> significantly improves system performance.

Again, very similar to my own recommendation.  Nice to see others saying 
the same thing. =:^)

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