On Jan 3, 2014, at 4:42 PM, Jim Salter <j...@jrs-s.net> wrote:

> For anybody else interested, if you want your system to automatically boot a 
> degraded btrfs array, here are my crib notes, verified working:
> ***************************** boot degraded
> 1. edit /etc/grub.d/10_linux, add degraded to the rootflags
>    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="rootflags=degraded,subvol=${rootsubvol} 

This is the wrong way to solve this. /etc/grub.d/10_linux is subject to being 
replaced on updates. It is not recommended it be edited, same as for grub.cfg. 
The correct way is as I already stated, which is to edit the 
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= line in /etc/default/grub.

> 2. add degraded to options in /etc/fstab also
> UUID=bf9ea9b9-54a7-4efc-8003-6ac0b344c6b5 /               btrfs 
> defaults,degraded,subvol=@       0       1

I think it's bad advice to recommend always persistently mounting a good volume 
with this option. There's a reason why degraded is not the default mount 
option, and why there isn't yet automatic degraded mount functionality. That 
fstab contains other errors.

The correct way to automate this before Btrfs developers get around to it is to 
create a systemd unit that checks for the mount failure, determines that 
there's a missing device, and generates a modified sysroot.mount job that 
includes degraded.

> Side note: sorry, but I absolutely don't buy the argument that "the system 
> won't boot without you driving down to its physical location, standing in 
> front of it, and hammering panickily at a BusyBox prompt" is the best way to 
> find out your array is degraded.

You're simply dissatisfied with the state of Btrfs development and are 
suggesting bad hacks as a work around. That's my argument. Again, if your use 
case requires automatic degraded mounts, use a technology that's mature and 
well tested for that use case. Don't expect a lot of sympathy if these bad 
hacks cause you problems later.

>  I'll set up a Nagios module to check for degraded arrays using btrfs fi list 
> instead, thanks…

That's a good idea, except that it's show rather than list.

Chris Murphy--
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