2014/1/11 Hugo Mills <h...@carfax.org.uk>:
> [60631.481913] attempt to access beyond end of device
> [60631.481935] dm-1: rw=1073, want=42917896, limit=42917888
> [60631.481941] btrfs_dev_stat_print_on_error: 34 callbacks suppressed
> [60631.481949] btrfs: bdev /dev/mapper/vmhost--vg-vmhost--rootfs errs: wr 
> 311347, rd 0, flush 0, corrupt 0, gen 0
>    This is the problem.
>    It looks like you've shrunk the LV without first shrinking the
> filesystem. Depending on how much you shrunk it by, the odds are
> fairly good that significant chunks of the FS are now toast.
>    Hugo.

Thank you very much! Strange, I indeed shrinked the LV, but only by a
few megabytes to make space for /boot (as turned out, GRUB2 can't boot
from LVM), and I think I did shrink the FS too... But maybe not. As it
started out as a test system, I intentionally wanted to test some
obscure situations here. Thankfully I don't have considerable data
loss and I don't think any valuable data was on the space that was cut
off. Strange that the system was running like this for a month with
this problem being undetected.

How can I shrink the FS to the correct size right now, ensuring that I
really shrink it to the exact LV size?
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