On Jan 27, 2014, at 11:50 AM, Hugo Mills <h...@carfax.org.uk> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 11:44:24AM -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> On Jan 27, 2014, at 6:53 AM, KC <impacto...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> 4. If I have a snapshot of  /, can I completely erase this partition and 
>>> later restore it in full form that snapshot, or do snapshots work only if a 
>>> limited number of files has been changed?
>>> If the former, then does it mean that snapshot size will be comparable to 
>>> the original data size?
>> I'm confused by what you mean by completely erase this partitions and later 
>> restore it. What do you mean by partition? Taken literally I'd say no 
>> because a snapshot is a subvolume, it's a function of a Btrfs file system, 
>> and if you erase the partition you've erased the file system and everything 
>> on it.
>> Otherwise, either the snapshot or its parent subvolume can be deleted at any 
>> time. At the moment the snapshot is taken, they are clones, but they behave 
>> as completely separate file systems. Any changes to one do not affect the 
>> other.
>   Probably slightly more accurate to say "completely different file
> trees", as they're part of the same filesystem (the single btrfs FS
> that contains all of the subvolumes in this example).

Yes good point. File system = volume; file tree = subvolume.

>>> 5. Can a snapshot be stored on a different partition?
>> Yes Btrfs send/receive.
>   Mmmm... debatable semantics again. You can transfer the data with
> btrfs send/receive, but after that it's not really a snapshot in the
> sense of being a CoW copy on the same filesystem…

Ahh yes I was being very literal rather than thinking of a magical hard link 
that can work across file system boundaries.

Maybe the question needs to be phrased in terms of a use case question, and 
possibly a seed-device would fit?


Chris Murphy

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