On Tue, 2014-03-11 at 00:45 +0100, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Mon, 10.03.14 23:39, Goffredo Baroncelli (kreij...@libero.it) wrote:
> > > Well, the name is property of the admin really. There needs to be a way
> > > how the admin can label his subvolumes, with a potentially localized
> > > name. This makes it unsuitable for our purpose, we cannot just take
> > > possession of this and leave the admin with nothing.
> > 
> > Instead of the name we can use the xattr to store these information.
> Ah, using xattrs for this is indeed an option. That way we should be able
> attach any kind of information we like to a subvolume.
> Hmm, I figure though that there is no way currently to read xattrs off a
> subvolume without first mounting them individually? Having to mount all
> subvolumes before we can make sense of them and mount them to the right
> place certainly sounds less than ideal...

One thing to remember about the way btrfs snapshots/subvolumes work is
that they simply show up as directories within the filesystem tree.
There is no separate namespace for storing subvolumes; they all end up
in a single unified filesystem tree along with regular files and

As a result, you can simply mount the root of the filesystem, and then
read xattrs off any and all of the subvolumes.

In fact, mounting a the subvolume "/@home" to "/home" in btrfs is
effectively equivalent to

mount -t btrfs -o subvolid=0 /dev/sda1 /home
mount --bind /home/@home /home

except done as a single step in one mount command.

Calvin Walton <calvin.wal...@kepstin.ca>

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