On 03/10/2014 07:45 PM, Lennart Poettering wrote:
On Mon, 10.03.14 23:39, Goffredo Baroncelli (kreij...@libero.it) wrote:

Well, the name is property of the admin really. There needs to be a way
how the admin can label his subvolumes, with a potentially localized
name. This makes it unsuitable for our purpose, we cannot just take
possession of this and leave the admin with nothing.

Instead of the name we can use the xattr to store these information.

Ah, using xattrs for this is indeed an option. That way we should be able
attach any kind of information we like to a subvolume.

Hmm, I figure though that there is no way currently to read xattrs off a
subvolume without first mounting them individually? Having to mount all
subvolumes before we can make sense of them and mount them to the right
place certainly sounds less than ideal...

Ok, are we hoping to pull the xattrs off the disk before mounting anything? Or can we do a mount in a side directory first to scan for subvols?

I like the idea of something like this:

mount device on /search_for_fstab
cd /search_for_fstab/<some_magic_directory_name_option_in_systemd>

read xattrs on directories it finds to see where they should be mounted in the FS. xattrs may include mount options and special flags.

mount the things you find

umount /search_for_fstab

I like that it's not actually btrfs specific, since the bind mounts will work for any FS. But it naturally fits the /@ namespace that we seem to be favoring as a collection point for snapshots and subvolumes.


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