On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 11:21:27PM -0400, sepero...@gmx.com wrote:
> Hello all. I submit bugs to different foss projects regularly, but I
> don't really have a bug report this time. I have a broken filesystem
> to report. And I have no idea how to reproduce it.
> I am including a link to the filesystem itself, because it appears
> to be unrepairable and unrestorable. I have no personal information
> on the disk image. The filesystem is almost 512MB uncompressed. I
> was using it on an old usb drive with 512MB size limitation. I only
> used (abused?) it about 2 days before this corruption.
> My goal was to use the usb as a bootable rescue system. I decided to
> try Btrfs instead of Ext4, because it supports filesystem
> compression.
> BTRFS IMAGE LINK (please pardon my file hosting service)
> http://www.mediafire.com/download/gdaydt3mz8uwtmm/sdb1.btrfs.xz
It looks like you got no answer, and I'm not a dev so I can't help you

The btrfs devs are pretty busy and can't always get back to everyone.
Hopefully they'll be able to look at this, but sorry if not.

> These are some things that may have helped to cause the corruption.
> +Created btrfs with -M flag
> +Installed Debian testing/unstable
> +When mounting, I always used at least these options:
> ssd_spread,noatime,compression=zlib,autodefrag
> +Occasionally force powering off computer.
> +While booted into usb system, I was constantly running out of space
> while trying to install new packages.
> It is my hope that this image might be used to improve the btrfs
> restore and btrfsck tools. Please let me know if I can provide any
> further information. Big thanks to everyone helping to further
> development of Btrfs.
> Sepero
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