On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 6:41 PM, David Sterba <dste...@suse.cz> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 08:58:14PM +0100, Filipe David Borba Manana wrote:
>> The fallocate send stream command, added in stream version 2, is used to
>> pre-allocate space for files and punch file holes. This change implements
>> the callback for that new command, using the fallocate function from the
>> standard C library to carry out the specified action (allocate file space
>> or punch a file hole).
>> +-a::
>> +Use fallocate to pre-allocate file extents and to punch file holes, instead 
>> of writing zeroes
>> +to files.
> (I wrote that in another mail and repeat it again in the context of the patch)
> for v2 the fallocate mode should be default and IMHO not configurable by
> a flag at all - falloc is efficient and the (right) thing that the devs
> choose for the user.
> I think that letting the user decide if he should use falloc or not is
> too low-level. From the UI perspective, specifying a protocol number
> should be enough.

Fine for me.

> There's currently no way to find the highest protocol version supported,
> but the sysfs flags can be enhanced with that.

You mean, I guess, adding an entry named like

Thanks David

Filipe David Manana,

"Reasonable men adapt themselves to the world.
 Unreasonable men adapt the world to themselves.
 That's why all progress depends on unreasonable men."
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