On 05/05/14 06:36, Roman Mamedov wrote:
On Mon, 05 May 2014 06:13:30 +0200
Brendan Hide <bren...@swiftspirit.co.za> wrote:

1) There will be a *very* small performance penalty (negligible, really)
Oh, really, it's slower to mount the device directly? Not that I really
care, but that's unexpected.
Um ... the penalty is if you're mounting indirectly. ;)
I feel that's on about the same scale as giving your files shorter filenames,
"so that they open faster". Or have you looked at the actual kernel code with
regard to how it's handled, or maybe even have any benchmarks, other than a
general thought of "it's indirect, so it probably must be slower"?

My apologies - not everyone here is a native English-speaker.

You are 100% right, though. The scale is very small. By negligible, the "penalty" is at most a few CPU cycles. When compared to the wait time on a spindle, it really doesn't matter much.

Brendan Hide

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