On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 10:17:38PM +0100, Hugo Mills wrote:
>    Given these four (spread, dup, linear, grouped), I think it's
> fairly obvious that spread is a special case of grouped, where each
> device is its own group. Then dup is the opposite of grouped (i.e. you
> must have one or the other but not both). Finally, linear is a
> modifier that changes the sort order.
>    All of these options run completely independently of the actual
> replication level selected, so we could have 3c:spread,linear
> (allocates on the first three devices only, until one fills up and
> then it moves to the fourth device), or 2c2s:grouped, with a device
> mapping {sda:1, sdb:1, sdc:1, sdd:2, sde:2, sdf:2} which puts
> different copies on different device controllers.

I generally like the idea and proposal :)

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