On 06/01/2014 11:07 PM, Mitch Harder wrote:
On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 6:51 PM, Brendan Hide <bren...@swiftspirit.co.za> wrote:
On 2014/05/31 12:00 AM, Martin wrote:

OK... I'll jump in...

On 30/05/14 21:43, Josef Bacik wrote:


Option 1: Only relink inodes that haven't changed since the snapshot was

-Less duplicated code, uses existing functions for tricky operations so
less likely to introduce weird bugs.

-Could possibly lost some of the snapshot-awareness of the defrag.  If
you just touch a file we would not do the relinking and you'd end up
with twice the space usage.


Obvious way to go for fast KISS.

I second this - KISS is better.

Would in-band dedupe resolve the issue with losing the "snapshot-awareness
of the defrag"? I figure that if someone absolutely wants everything deduped
efficiently they'd put in the necessary resources (memory/dedicated SSD/etc)
to have in-band dedupe work well.

One question:

Will option one mean that we always need to mount with noatime or
read-only to allow snapshot defragging to do anything?

When snapshot-aware defrag first came out, I was convinced it was a
"must-have" capability for nearly everybody using btrfs.  But, the
more I look at my work load and common practices with btrfs, the more
I am wondering just how often snapshot-aware defrag was actually doing
something for me.

I use a lot of snapshots.  But for the most part, once I touch a file
in my current subvolume, the whole file needs to be COW-ed from it's
previous version.

The whole file doesn't need to be cow'ed, just the part that you touch. So old snapshot-aware defrag probably would have saved you quite a bit of space. Thanks,

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