On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 01:05:39AM +0000, Duncan wrote:
> Austin S Hemmelgarn posted on Thu, 23 Oct 2014 07:39:28 -0400 as
> excerpted:
> > On 2014-10-23 05:19, Miao Xie wrote:
> >>
> >> Now my colleague and I is implementing the scrub/replace for RAID5/6
> >> and I have a plan to reimplement the balance and split it off from the
> >> metadata/file data process. the main idea is
> >> - allocate a new chunk which has the same size as the relocated one,
> >>   but don't insert it into the block group list, so we don't allocate
> >>   the free space from it.
> >> - set the source chunk to be Read-only
> >> - copy the data from the source chunk to the new chunk
> >> - replace the extent map of the source chunk with the one of the new
> >>   chunk(The new chunk has the same logical address and the length as
> >>   the old one)
> >> - release the source chunk
> >>
> >> By this way, we needn't deal the data one extent by one extent, and
> >> needn't do any space reservation, so the speed will be very fast even
> >> [if] we have lots of snapshots.
> >>
> > Even if balance gets re-implemented this way, we should still provide
> > some way to consolidate the data from multiple partially full chunks.
> > Maybe keep the old balance path and have some option (maybe call it
> > aggressive?) that turns it on instead of the new code.
> IMO:
> * Keep normal default balance behavior as-is.
> * Add two new options, --fast, and --aggressive.
> * --aggressive behaves as today and is the normal default.
> * --fast is the new chunk-by-chunk behavior.  This becomes the default if 
> the convert filter is used, or if balance detects that it /is/ changing 
> the mode, thus converting or filling in missing chunk copies, even when 
> the convert filter was not specifically set.  Thus, if there's only one 
> chunk copy (single or raid0 mode, or raid1/10 or dup with a missing/
> invalid copy) and the balance would result in two copies, default to
> --fast.  Similarly, if it's raid1/10 and switching to single/raid0, 
> default to --fast.  If no conversion is being done, keep the normal
> --aggressive default.

My pet peeve:  if balance is converting profiles from RAID1 to single,
the conversion should be *instantaneous* (or at least small_constant *
number_of_block_groups).  Pick one mirror, keep all the chunks on that
mirror, delete all the corresponding chunks on the other mirror.

Sometimes when a RAID1 mirror dies we want to temporarily convert
the remaining disk to single data / DUP metadata while we wait for
a replacement.  Right now if we try to do this, we discover:

        - if the system reboots during the rebalance, btrfs now sees a
        mix of single and RAID1 data profiles on the disk.  The rebalance
        takes a long time, and a hardware replacement has been ordered,
        so the probability of this happening is pretty close to 1.0.

        - one disk is missing, so there's a check in the mount code path
        that counts missing disks like this:

                - RAID1 profile: we can tolerate 1 missing disk so just
                mount rw,degraded

                - single profile: we can tolerate zero missing disks,
                so we don't allow rw mounts even if degraded.

That filesystem is now permanently read-only (or at least it was in 3.14).
It's not even possible to add or replace disks any more since that
requires mounting the filesystem read-write.

> * Users could always specify the behavior they want, overriding the 
> default, using the appropriate option.
> * Of course defaults may result in some chunks being rebalanced in fast 
> mode, while others are rebalanced in aggressive mode, if for instance 
> it's 3+ device raid1 mode filesystem with one device missing, since in 
> that case there'd be the usual two copies of some chunks and those would 
> default to aggressive, while there'd be one copy of chunks where the 
> other one was on the missing device.  However, users could always specify 
> the desired behavior using the last point above, thus getting the same 
> behavior for the entire balance.
> -- 
> Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
> "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
> and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman
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