On 2014-10-21 16:44, Arnaud Kapp wrote:

I would like to ask if the balance time is related to the number of
snapshot or if this is related only to data (or both).

I currently have about 4TB of data and around 5k snapshots. I'm thinking
of going raid1 instead of single. From the numbers I see this seems
totally impossible as it would take *way* too long.

Would destroying snapshots (those are hourly snapshots to prevent stupid
error to happens, like `rm my_important_file`) help?

Should I reconsider moving to raid1 because of the time it would take?

Sorry if I'm somehow hijacking this thread, but it seemed related :)


The issue is the snapshots, because I regularly fully re-balance my home directory on my desktop which is ~150GB on a BTRFS raid10 setup with only 3 or 4 snapshots (I only do daily snapshots, cause anything I need finer granularity on I have under git), and that takes only about 2 or 3 hours depending on how many empty chunks I have.

I would remove the snapshots, and also start keeping fewer of them (5k hourly snapshots is more than six months worth of file versions), and then run the balance. I would also suggest converting data by itself first, and then converting metadata, as converting data chunks will require re-writing large parts of the metadata.
On 10/21/2014 10:14 PM, Piotr Pawłow wrote:
On 21.10.2014 20:59, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
FYI - after a failed disk and replacing it I've run a balance; it took
almost 3 weeks to complete, for 120 GBs of data:

Looks normal to me. Last time I started a balance after adding 6th
device to my FS, it took 4 days to move 25GBs of data. Some chunks took
20 hours to move. I currently have 156 snapshots on this FS (nightly
rsync backups).

I think it is so slow, because it's disassembling chunks piece by piece
and stuffing these pieces elsewhere, instead of moving chunks as a
whole. If you have a lot of little pieces (as I do), it will take a

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