On 2014-12-02 10:11, Shriramana Sharma wrote:
On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 6:58 PM, David Sterba <dste...@suse.cz> wrote:

A subvolume is also a snapshotting barrier, so it's convenient to create
subvolumes in well-known paths that contain data that should not be
rolled back (/var/log, /srv, bootloader).

Hi David -- a real honour to meet one of the core Btrfs/SuSE (heh,
when that was the spelling!) guys!

That makes sense. Is there anywhere that the "official" SuSE
recommended subvol layout is mentioned that I can refer to without
having to start up an installer? (I currently chose ext4 for / for
other reasons so I can't refer to my layout.)

I am now reading a SuSECon 2013 presentation by Nyers and Schnell but
they are very generic about the recommendations.

Here's my approach to things:
In the top level of the btrfs filesystem I use for /, I have a subvolume called /root, This is what get's mount on /. I also have a separate subvolume called /home for the home directories when I have those on the same FS. I place /boot on an entirely separate filesystem because I use a bunch of mount options there that would break or slow down other filesystems (most notably, noexec, nosuid, nodev, and sync). Within both /home and /root, I use a handful of subvolumes to control what gets saved in a snapshot, the most notable examples being /var//log, /usr/portage, and /home/austin/dropbox.

As far as snapshots go, I take a snapshot of /root every time I boot, and keep the past 2 days worth, take a snapshot of /home hourly, and keep a weeks worth, and do a snapshot of both when I generate a system backup. I generally don't do snapshots of /boot, as I keep around the previous few kernel versions anyway, and mark things there as immutable so that I can't accidentally mess them up.

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