MegaBrutal posted on Thu, 04 Dec 2014 09:20:12 +0100 as excerpted:

> Are you sure it isn't fixed? At least, it parses "rootflags=subvol=@"
> well, which also has multiple = signs. And last time I've tried this,
> and didn't cause any problems:
> "rootflags=device=/dev/mapper/vg-rootlv,subvol=@". Though "device="
> shouldn't have an effect in this case anyway, but I didn't get any
> complaints against it. Though I use an initrd.

AFAIK lvm requires userspace anyway, thus an initr*, and once you have 
that initr* handling the lvm, it's almost certainly the initr* parsing 
the rootflags= from the kernel commandline as well.  So in that case the 
kernel doesn't /need/ to be able to parse rootflag=, as all it does is 
pass the kernel commandline straight thru to the initr*, which would 
seem, in your case at least, to parse it correctly.

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