On 2014-12-05 13:11, Shriramana Sharma wrote:
OK so from https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/440209-ifconfig
I learnt that it's because /sbin, /usr/sbin etc is not on the normal
user's path on openSUSE (they are, on Kubuntu). Adding them to PATH
fixes the situation. (I wasn't even able to do ifconfig without giving
the password. No idea why this is the openSUSE default...)
Probably because OpenSUSE/SLES are designed as enterprise distributions, and their primary use case is having a very small number of sysadmins and a potentially large number of normal users. Ubuntu et al. are designed primarily for PC's, where everyone is assumed to be equivalent to an administrator. Personally, I prefer a somewhat hybrid approach where everyone has *sbin in their path, but file permissions are used to control what non-administrators can run.

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