On 12/13/2014 01:52 PM, Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:
On 2014-12-13 21:54, Robert White wrote:

- rsync many remote data sources (-a -H --inplace --partial) + snapshot

Using --inplace on a Copy On Write filesystem has only one effect, it
increases fragmentation... a lot...

...if the file was changed.

If the file hasn't changed then it won't be be transferred by definition. So the un-changed file is not terribly interesting.

And I did think about the rest of (most of) your points right after sending the original email. Particularly since I don't know your actual use case. But there is no "un-send" which I suddenly realized I wanted to do... Because I needed to change my answer. Like ten seconds later. /sigh.

I'm still strongly against forcing compression.

That said, my knee-jerk reaction to using --inplace is still strong for almost all file types.

And it remains almost absolute in your case simply because you are finding yourself needing to balance and whatnot.

E.g. the theoretical model of efficent partial copies as you present is fine... up until we get back your original complain about what a mess it makes.

The ruling precept here is Ben Franklin's "penny wise, pound foolish". What you _might_ be saving up-front with --inplace is charging you double on the back-end with maintenance.

Every new block is going to get
written to a new area anyway,

Exactly - "every new block". But that's true with and without --inplace.
Also - without --inplace, it is "every block". In other words, without
--inplace, the file is likely to be rewritten by rsync to a new one, and
CoW is lost (more below).

I don't know the nature of the particular files you are translating, but I do know a lot about rsync and file layout in general for lots of different types of files.

(rsync details here for readers-along :: http://rsync.samba.org/how-rsync-works.html )

Now I am assuming you took this advice from something like the manual page [QUOTE] This [--inplace] option is useful for transferring large files with block-based changes or appended data, and also on systems that are disk bound, not network bound. It can also help keep a copy-on-write filesystem snapshot from diverging the entire contents of a file that only has minor changes.[/QUOTE] Though maybe not since the description goes on to say that --inplace implies --partial so specifying both is redundant.

But here's the thing, those files are really rare. Way more rare than you might think. The consist almost entirely of block-based database extents (like an oracle tablespace file), logfiles (such as is found in /var/log/messages etc.), VM disk image files (particularly raw images) and ISO images that are _only_ modified by adding tracks may fall into this category as well..

So we've already skipped the unchanged files...

So, inserting a single byte into, or removing a single byte from, any file will cause a re-write from that point on. It will send that file from the block boundary containing that byte. Just about anything with a header and a history is going to get re-sent almost completely. This includes the output from any word processing program you are likely to encounter.

Anything with linear compression (such as Open Document Format, which is basically a ZIP file) will be resent entirely.

All compiled programs binaries will be resent entirely if the program changed at all (the headers again, the changes in text segments, the changes in layout that a single byte difference in size cause the elf formats, or the dll formats to juggle significantly.)

And I could go on at length, but I'll skip that...

And _then_ the forced compression comes into play.

Rsync is going to impose its default block size to frame changes (see --block-size=) and then BTRFS is going to impose it's compression frame sizes (presuming it is done by block size). If these are not exactly teh same size any rsync block that updates will result in one or two "extra" compression blocks being re-written by the tiling overlap effect.

so if you have enough slack space to
keep the one new copy of the new file, which you will probably use up
anyway in the COW event, laying in the fresh copy in a likely more
contiguous way will tend to make things cleaner over time.

--inplace is doubly useless with compression as compression is
perturbed by default if one byte changes in the original file.

No. If you change 1 byte in a 100 MB file, or perhaps 1 GB file, you
will likely loose a few kBs of CoW. The whole file is certainly not
rewritten if you use --inplace. However it will be wholly rewritten if
you don't use --inplace.

The only time --inplace might be helpful is if the file is NOCOW...

No, you're wrong.
By default, rsync creates a new file if it detects any file modification
- like "touch file".

Consider this experiment:

# create a "large file"
dd if=/dev/urandom of=bigfile bs=1M count=3000

# copy it with rsync
rsync -a -v --progress bigfile bigfile2

# copy it again - blazing fast, no change
rsync -a -v --progress bigfile bigfile2

# "touch" the original file
touch bigfile

touching an unchanged file is cheating... and would be better addressed by the --checksum argument (unless you have something that really depends on the dates and you've already assured that any restores won't mess up the dates later anyway). --checksum, of course, slows down the file selection process.

# try copying again with rsync - notice rsync creates a temp file, like
# No change to the file except the timestamp, but good bye your CoW.
rsync -a -v --progress bigfile bigfile2

# Now try the same with --inplace; compare data written to disk with
iostat -m in both cases.

Same goes for append files - even if they are compressed, most CoW will
be shared. I'd say it will be similar for lightly modified files
(changed data will be CoW-unshared, some compressed "overhead" will be
unshared, but the rest will be untouched / shared by CoW between the

So while it is apparent that we both know how rsync works, I wonder if you've checked how much of your data load actually has a chance to benefit from --inplace and compared it to how much fragmentation it's likely to cause.


The basic problem I have with --inplace is, space permitting, you end up "better off" over long periods of time in a COW filesystem if you don't use it.

Consider any append-mode file. With each incremental append amidst a bulk transfer it will tend to have each increment separated from its next increment by one or more raw allocation extents. That, if nothing else, will cause the extents to _never_ reach the empty state where they can be reclaimed automatically.

If we were making an infographic-style representation of your disk storage the files with long histories would tend to look like lightning strikes "down the page" or "vertical scribbling up-an-down" instead of solid bars across the little chunks.

As snapshots come and go, the copied-and-replaced little bars would be memorialized for a time and then go away. The up and down result is semi-permanent, requiring you to do internal maintenance nonsense to try to coalesce the scribbles into bars.

So every time you defrag and balance the drive you are just taking steps to undo the geographical harm that rsync --inplace caused in the first place. That increases the total effective write cost of the inplace into the full copy cost _plus_ the incremental copy-on-overwrite cost spread over repeated activities (defrags or balances etc).

Without --inplace you'd definitely be using up more room for the copies (at least until internal data de-duplication comes along, presuming it does), but those copies will go away as the snapshots age off leaving larger chunks available for future allocation. The result of that will be smaller trees (not that that matters) and larger gaps (which really does matter) that the system can work with more optimally as time rolls forward forever.

In computer science (and other disciplines) "The Principle(s) of Locality" are huge actors. It's the basis of caching at all levels and it features strongly in graph theory and simple mechanics.

So yea, ten snapshots of a 30GiB VM disk image that hardly changed at all would _suck_, and might be worth its own selective rsync for the subdirectories where such things might happen; but turning a backup copy of your browser history file into a fifty-segment snail-trail wandering all through your data extents is not to be taken lightly either.

The middle ground is to selectively rsync the (usually) very-few directories that contain the files you _know_ will explicitly benefit from --inplace, such as /home/some_user/Virtual_Machines/*; then rsync the whole tree without the option. [The already synchronized directory will be automatically seen as current and you'll get optimal results.]

ASIDE :: I hope you are also using --delete when you rsync your backups. 8-)
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