Hugo Mills <hugo <at>> writes:

> On Fri, Apr 17, 2015 at 06:24:05AM +0000, sri wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have below queries. Could somebody help me in understanding.
> > 
> > 1)
> > As per my understanding btrfs file system uses one chunk tree and 
> > extent tree for entire btrfs disk allocation.
> > 
> > Is this correct?
>    Yes.
> > In, some article i read that future there will be more chunk tree/ 
> > tree for single btrfs. Is this true.
>    I recall, many moons ago, Chris saying that there probably wouldn't
> be.
> > If yes, I would like to know why more than one chunk / extent tree 
> > required to represent one btrfs file system.
>    I think the original idea was that it would reduce lock contention
> on the tree root.
> > 2)
> > 
> > Also I would like to know for a subvolume / snapshot , is there a 
> > provision to ask btrfs , represent all blocks belongs to that 
> > subvolume/snapshot should handle with a separate chunk tree and 
> > tree?
>    No.
> > I am looking for a way to traverse a subvolume preferably a snapshot 
> > identify all disk blocks (extents) allocated for that particular 
> > / snapshot.
>    Do you mean allocated to any file in the subvolume, or do you mean
> *exclusively* allocated to that subvolume and not shared with any
> other?
>    The former is easy -- just walk the file tree, and read the extents
> for each file. The latter is harder, because you have to look for
> extents that are not shared, and extents that are only shared within
> the current subvolume (think reflink copies within a subvol). I think
> you can do that by counting backrefs, but there may be big race
> conditions involved on a filesystem that's being written to (because
> the backrefs aren't created immediately, but delayed for performance
> reasons).
>    Note that if all you want is the count of those blocks (rather than
> the block numbers themselves), then it's already been done with
> qgroups, and you don't need to write any btrfs code at all.
>    What exactly are you going to be doing with this information?
>    Hugo.

I am trying a way to get all files and folders of a snapshot volume 
without making file system level calls (fopen etc..) 

I want to write code to understand the corresponding snapshot btree and 
used related chunk tree and extent tree, and find out for each file 
(inode) all extent blocks. 
If I want to backup, I will use above method to traverse snapshot 
subvolume at disk level and copy all blocks of files/directories.

Thank you

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