Marc Joliet posted on Sun, 12 Jul 2015 14:26:04 +0200 as excerpted:

> I hope it's not out of place, but I have a few suggestions for the Wiki:

Just in case it wasn't obvious...  The wiki is open to user editing.  You 
can, if you like, get an account and make the changes yourself. =:^)

Of course, it's understandable if your reaction to web and wiki 
technologies is similar to mine, newsgroups and mailing lists (in my case 
via's list2news service, so they too are presented as 
newsgroups) are your primary domain, and you tend to treat the web as 
read-only so rarely reply on a web forum, let alone edit a wiki.  I've 
never gotten a wiki account here for that reason, either, or I'd have 
probably gone ahead and made the suggested changes...

But with a bit of luck someone with an existing (or even new) account 
will be along to make the changes...

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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