Rich Freeman posted on Thu, 15 Oct 2015 12:33:56 -0400 as excerpted:

> On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 10:47 PM, Zygo Blaxell
> <> wrote:
>> I wouldn't describe dedup+defrag as unsafe.  More like insane.  You
>> won't lose any data, but running both will waste a lot of time and
>> power. Either one is OK without the other, or applied to
>> non-overlapping sets of files, but they are operations with opposite
>> results.
> That is probably why I disabled it then.  I now recall past discussion
> that defragging a file wasn't snapshot-aware, though I thought that was
> fixed.

Well, snapshot-aware defrag was indeed released... in 3.9 IIRC (it's on 
the wiki)...

Unfortunately, it didn't scale well /at/ /all/, as in spending half a day 
defragging just a handful of blocks. (Worst-case was many thousands of 
snapshots, with quotas enabled -- and this was back before the 
scalability work and quota code rewrites, so it was really **REALLY** 
bad!!111, and could be more like a day on a single block!)

Obviously that simply didn't work /at/ /all/, so in ordered to have a 
defrag that was at least semi-usable, snapshot awareness was disabled 
again, making things /so/ much simpler, but of course dramatically 
increasing the possible downsides of actually running defrag.

The disabling was in 3.12, IIRC, so defrag was only snapshot-aware for 
three kernel cycles, about seven months' worth of current development.

Since then defrag's snapshot-awareness has remained disabled, tho AFAIK 
the plan remains to enable it again, if/when the devs are satisfied that 
they've made the code efficient and scalable enough that it's still going 
to be actually runnable in practical time, into (I'd say) 5-digits worth 
of snapshots, anyway.  But that's going to necessarily involve stable 
quota code, and the quota code has been a continued problem tho there's 
some hope that it's coming together now, so it's anyone's guess when even 
the quota-code prerequisite is complete, let along if/when the 
scalability will then be reasonable enough, or if more work will still 
need to be done there... or if it'll _ever_ be practical to turn it back 

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