Russell Coker posted on Sun, 08 Nov 2015 17:38:32 +1100 as excerpted:

> Above is a BTRFS issue that is mentioned in a LWN comment.  Has this one
> been fixed yet?

Good job linking to a subscription-only article, without using a link 
that makes it available for non-subscriber list readers to read.[1]

At least the list comment is free to be viewed. =:^)

Judging by the fact that it has no replies, were I to guess, I'd guess it 
fell thru the cracks.  Sometimes there's patches for reports without 
replies to the original thread, but while I don't follow patches in 
minute detail I normally follow them well enough to have an idea where 
things are going, and I've seen no patch comments referencing that post.

[1] FWIW, I'd love to subscribe to LWN, and actually did for awhile even 
tho I didn't always have time to read it as I believe it provides a 
useful service to the community, until my conscience started kicking me 
too badly, since LWN has long had a promise to open up its sources, but 
AFAIK it has yet to be done, when meanwhile, much of the code LWN used to 
criticize as proprietary, has in fact opened up.  Too bad for the 
community too, as what could be a huge beacon of free software is belying 
its own message, talking the talk real well but failing to walk the 
walk.  Meanwhile, while I'll visit sites that aren't open, I don't buy 
subscriptions to them lest my conscience start kicking me again, so 
subscription is out of the question, and I must wait until the article 
goes free or until someone provides a non-subscriber link to read the 
otherwise subscriber-only content.  But just to clarify, I believe 
people's conscience is their own business, so I'm not suggesting that 
anyone else need do that, unless their own conscience leads them to do 
so, of course.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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