On Wed, 2015-11-25 at 08:59 +0800, Qu Wenruo wrote:
> Did you use the complied btrfsck? Or use the system btrfsck by
> mistake?
I'm pretty sure cause I already did the whole procedure twice, but let
me repeat and record it here just to be 100% sure:

$ make clean
$ md5sum cmds-check.c 
a7e7d871c3b666df6b56c724dbfd1d86  cmds-check.c
$ export CFLAGS="-g -O0 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2"
$ ./configure --disable-convert --disable-documentation
$ make
# ./btrfs check /dev/mapper/data-b
Checking filesystem on /dev/mapper/data-b
UUID: 250ddae1-7b37-4b22-89e9-4dc5886c810f
checking extents
[getting a cup of tea]
.. and voila it works...

which is kinda weird... I still have the previous run in the bash
history... and I *did* invoke ./btrfs and not btrfs.
Also I just haven't done any further patching... so it cannot be that
the patch wasn't applied before.

WTF?! Apparently I suffer from Gremlins :-/

*a little while later*

And back they are...(the errors)... o.O
This time I checked both of my devices that shown the symptoms
concurrently... data-b as above showed no errors.
data-old-a, came with the same errors as before.

Is there anything non-deterministic involved?


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