On 12/06/2015 09:51 AM, Christoph Anton Mitterer wrote:
On Sat, 2015-12-05 at 13:19 +0000, Duncan wrote:
The problem with btrfs is that because (unlike traditional
it's multi-device, it needs some way to identify what devices belong
to a
particular filesystem.
Sure, but that applies to lvm, or MD as well... and I wouldn't know of
any random corruption issues there.

Not sure about LVM/MD, but they should suffer the same UUID conflict problem.

The only idea I have can only enhance the behavior, but never fix it.
For example, if found multiple btrfs devices with same devid, just refuse to mount.
And for already mounted btrfs, ignore any duplicated fsid/devid.

The problem can get even tricky for case like device missing for a while and appear again case.

But just as you mentioned, it *IS* a real problem, and we should need to enhance it.

And UUID is, by definition and expansion, Universally Unique ID.
Nitpicking doesn't help here,... reality is they're not,.. either by
people doing stuff like dd, other forms of clones, LVM, etc. ... or as
I've described maliciously.

simply depends on it being what it says on the the tin, universally
unique, to ID the components of the filesystem and assemble them
Admittedly, I'm not an expert to the internals of btrfs, but it seems
other multi-device containers can handle UUID duplicates fine, or at
least so that you don't get any data corruption (or leaks).

I'd like to see how LVM/DM behaves first, at least as a reference if they are really so safe.
For example, I have a whole disk as the following configuration:

0         10G         20G
| test_lv |           |
|  test_vg     |
|       test_pv       |
|    /dev/sdb         |

If I did a dd copy of /dev/sdb to /dev/sdc,
what will pv/vg/lv rescan show if test_pv/vg/lv is already active?
And what will rescan show if they are not active? Or after a reboot?

This is a showstopper - maybe not under lab conditions but surely under
real world scenarios.
I'm actually quite surprised that no-one else didn't complain about
that before, given how long btrfs exists.

Besides dd, etc, LVM snapshots are another case where this goes
If the UUID isn't UUID, do a btrfs device scan (which udev normally
by default these days) so the duplicate UUID is detected, and btrfs
*WILL* eventually start trying to write to all the "newly added"
that scan found, identified by their Universally Unique IDs, aka
It's not a matter of if, but when.
Well.. as I said... quite scary, with respect to both, accidental and
malicious cases of duplicate UUIDs.

And the UUID is embedded so deeply within the filesystem and its
operations, as an inextricable part of the metadata (thus avoiding
problem reiserfs had where a reiserfs stored in a loopback file on a
reiserfs, would screw up reiserfsck, on btrfs, the loopback file
have a different UUID and thus couldn't be mixed up), that changing
UUID is not the simple operation of changing a few bytes in the
that it is on other filesystems, which is why there's now a tool to
thru all those metadata entries and change it.
I don't think that this design is per se bad and prevents the kernel to
handle such situations gracefully.

I would expect that in addition to the fs UUID, it needs a form of
device ID... so why not simply ignoring any new device for which there
already is a matching fs UUID and device ID, unless the respective tool
(mount, btrfs, etc.) is explicitly told so via some
device=/dev/sda,/dev/sdb option.

IIRC, there were some btrfs-progs patches for such behavior, not sure about kernel part though.
But at least an interesting method to solve the problem.
(Better than just rejecting mounting any)

If that means that less things work out of the box (in the sense of
"auto-assembly") well than this is simply necessary.
data security and consistency is definitely much more important than
any fancy auto-magic.

Can't agree any more.
Especially when auto leads to wrong behavior (Like kernel version based probing).

And after all, this topic makes me remember the bugreport of fuzzed (but csum recalculated) images.
I used to ignore them and I think that wouldn't happen.

But the reporter is right, it's a btrfs security problem, and now I'm super happy to see such report. As it's easy to fix, I can always submit some patches if there is no other guy faster than me. :)

So for this one, as long as we find a good behavior to solve it, it won't be a big thing.


So an aware btrfs admin simply takes pains to avoid triggering a
device scan at the wrong time, and to immediately hide their LVM
snapshots, immediately unplug their directly dd-ed devices, etc, and
doesn't have to deal with the filesystem corruption that'd be a when
if, if they didn't take such precautions with their dupped UUIDs that
actually aren't as UUID as the name suggests...
a) People shouldn't need to do days of study to be able to use btrfs

Of course it's more advanced and not everything can be
simplified in a way so that users don't need to know anything (e.g. all
the well-known effects of CoW)... but when the point is reached where
security and data integrity is threatened, there's definitely a hard
border that mustn't be crossed.

b) Given how complex software is, I doubt that it's easily possible,
even for the aware admin, to really prevent all situations that can
lead to such situations.
Not to talk about about any attack-scenarios.

And as your followup suggests in a security context, they consider
masking out their UUIDs before posting them, as well, tho most kernel
hackers generally consider unsupervised physical access to be game-
Do they? I rather thought many of them had a rather practical and real-
world-situations-based POV.

(After all, in that case there's often little or nothing
preventing a reboot to that USB stick, if desired, or simply yanking
devices and duping them or plugging them in elsewhere, if the BIOS is
password protected, with the only thing standing in the way at that
being possible device encryption.)
There's hardware which would, when it detects physicals intrusion (like
yanking) lock up itself (securely clearing the memory, disconnecting
itself from other nodes, which may be compromised as well, when the
filesystem on the attacked node would go crazy.

You have things like ATMs, which are physically usually quite well
secured, but which do have rather easily accessible maintenance ports.
All of us have seen such embedded devices rebooting themselves, where
you see kernel messages.
That's the point where an attacker could easily get the btrfs UUID:
[    0.000000] Command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.2.0-1-amd64

If you can attack such devices already by just having access to a USB
port... then holly sh**...

The only real
alternative if
you don't like it is using a different filesystem.
As I've said, I don't have a problem with UUIDs... I just can't quite
believe that btrfs and the userland cannot be modified so that it
handles such cases gracefully.

If not, than, to be quite honest, that would be really a major
showstopper for many usage areas.
And I'm not talking about ATMs (or any other embedded devices where
people may have non-supervides access - e.g. TVs in a mall,
entertainment systems in planes) but also the normal desktops/laptops
where colleagues, fellow students, etc. may want to play some "prank".


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