On Mon, 2015-12-07 at 11:29 -0600, Eric Sandeen wrote:
> FWIW, new mount options and their descriptions should be added to
> as well.
Also, from the end-user perspective, there should be:
1) another option like (hard-ro) which is defined to imply any other
options that are required to make a mount truly read-only (i.e. right
now: ro and nologreplay... but in the future any other features that
may be required to make read-only really read-only).


2) a section that describes "ro" in btrfs-mount(5) which describes that
normal "ro" alone may cause changes on the device and which then refers
to hard-ro and/or the list of options (currently nologreplay) which are
required right now to make it truly ro.

I think this is important as an end-user probably expects "ro" to be
truly ro, so if he looks it up in the documentation (2) he should find
enough information that this isn't the case and what to do instead.
Further, as one might expect that in the future, other places (than
just the log) may cause changes to a device, even though mounted ro...
I think it's better for the end user to also have a real "hard-ro" like
option, than a possibly growing list of "noXYZ" where the end-user may
have no clue that something else is now also required to get the truly
read-only behaviour.


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