On Wed, 2015-12-09 at 16:48 +0000, Duncan wrote:
> David Hampton posted on Wed, 09 Dec 2015 01:30:09 -0500 as excerpted:
> > Seems I need to upgrade my tools.  That command was added in 3.18 and I
> > only have the 3.12 tools.
> Definitely so, especially because you're running raid6, which wasn't 
> stable until 4.1 for both kernel and userspace.  3.12?  I guess it did 
> have the very basic raid56 support, but it's definitely nothing I'd 
> trust, at that old not for btrfs in general, but FOR SURE not raid56.

I've upgraded to the 4.2.0 kernel and the 4.0 btrfs-tools package.
These are the latest that Ubuntu has packaged for 15.10, and I've pulled
them into my 14.10 based release.  Is this recent enough, or do I need
to try the 4.3 kernel/tools build from the active development tree (that
will eventually become 16.04)?


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