Henk Slager posted on Fri, 25 Mar 2016 15:35:52 +0100 as excerpted:

> For the original OP situation, with chunks all filled op with extents
> and devices all filled up with chunks, 'integrating' a new 6TB drive
> in an 4TB+3TG+2TB raid1 array could probably be done in a bit unusual
> way in order to avoid immediate balancing needs:

> - 'plug-in' the 6TB
> - btrfs-replace  4TB by 6TB
> - btrfs fi resize max 6TB_devID
> - btrfs-replace  2TB by 4TB
> - btrfs fi resize max 4TB_devID
> - 'unplug' the 2TB

Way to think outside the box, Henk!  I'll have to remember this as it's
a very clever and rather useful method-tool to have in the ol' admin
toolbox (aka brain). =:^)

I only wish I had thought of it, as it sure seems clear... now that
you described it!

Greatly appreciated, in any case! =:^)

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