Kai Krakow posted on Mon, 04 Apr 2016 22:15:13 +0200 as excerpted:

> Your argument would be less important if it did copy-back, tho... ;-)

FWIW, I completely misunderstood your description of copy-back in my 
original reply, and didn't realize what you meant (and thus my mistaken 
understanding) until I read some of the other replies today.

What I /thought/ you meant was some totally nonsense/WTF idea of keeping 
the newly substituted hot-spare in place, and taking the newly vacated 
"defective" device and putting it back in the the hot-spare list.

That rightly seemed stupid to me (it's a device just replaced as 
defective, now you're putting it back as a hot-spare? WTF?), but that's 
how I read what you were asking for and saying that other solutions did, 

Of course today when I read the other replies and realized what you were 
/actually/ describing, returning the hot-spare to hot-spare status after 
physically replacing the actually failed drive with a new one and 
logically replacing the hot-spare with it in the filesystem, thereby 
making the hot-spare a spare once again, my reaction was "DUH!! NOW it 
makes sense!"  But I was just going to let it go and go hide my original 
misunderstanding in a hole somewhere.

But now you replied to my reply, so I figured I would reply back, 
explaining what on earth I was thinking when I wrote it, and why it must 
have seemed rather out of left field and didn't make much sense -- 
because what I was thinking you were suggesting /didn't/ make sense, but 
of course that's because I totally misunderstood what you were suggesting.

So now my very-much-former misunderstanding is out of the hole and posted 
for everyone to see and have a good laugh at, and I'm much the wiser on 
what copy-back actually entails. =:^)

Tho it seems I was correct in the one aspect, currently ENotImplemented, 
even if my idea of what you were asking to be implemented was totally and 
completely off-the-wall wrong.

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