On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Austin S. Hemmelgarn
<ahferro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 2016-04-18 11:39, Chris Murphy wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 9:15 AM, Austin S. Hemmelgarn
>> <ahferro...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I don't know about the current state of the Debian installer, but I know
>>> back when I used Debian regularly and used the standard text based
>>> installer, as long as I didn't format things from the UI, I could
>>> provision
>>> the filesystems however the hell I wanted manually and point the
>>> installer
>>> at the appropriate ones for each mount point, and it worked.
>> No doubt this is a catch 22. I think it's reasonable for an installer
>> to have an aging logic that allows it to be more conservative than the
>> kernel's support for compat_ro_flags and incompat_flags, and refuse to
>> install if it's not recently formatted.
>> Now that I go look for this, I'm not sure what either flags offset
>> 0x38 or compat_flags offset 0xac are about.
>> Also, I didn't mention that Anaconda does require root fs to be in a
>> new subvolume. It won't install to either subvolid 5, or any other
>> existing subvolume.
> I'm not certain about how Debian would handle it, but I think they'll assume
> that the user knows what they're doing and just do what they say (which can
> admittedly be a very dangerous assumption sometimes).
> Like I said in one of my earlier e-mails though, these kind of limitations
> are part of why I switched to Gentoo, there's no GUI installer, but you can
> put the system together however the hell you want (which is especially nice
> with BTRFS, because none of the installers out there will let you use BTRFS
> on top of LVM, which is useful for things like BTRFS raid1 on top of
> DM-RAID0).

In a GUI context, the OS installer should be point and shoot to a
volume. It shouldn't care how it was built. Partitioning is a separate
thing. But in Linux land, these things get conflated, and makes them
more complicated and buggy. The result is excessive resources
maintaining and fixing them all the time.

Chris Murphy
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