On 06/03/2016 03:31 PM, Martin wrote:
In general, avoid Ubuntu LTS versions when dealing with BTRFS, as well as
most enterprise distros, they all tend to back-port patches instead of using
newer kernels, which means it's functionally impossible to provide good
support for them here (because we can't know for sure what exactly they've
back-ported).  I'd suggest building your own kernel if possible, with Arch
Linux being a close second (they follow upstream very closely), followed by
Fedora and non-LTS Ubuntu.

Then I would build my own, if that is the preferred option.

Ubuntu also provides newer kernels for their LTS via the Hardware Enablement Stack:


So if you can live with about 6 month time lag and shorter support for the non-lts versions of those kernels that is a good option. As you can see 16.04 currently provides 4.4 and the next update will likely be 4.8.
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