Thank you for the info, Duncan.

I will use Alt-sysrq-s alt-sysrq-u alt-sysrq-b. This is the best
description / recommendation I've read on the subject. I had read
about these special key sequences before but I could never remember
them and I didn't fully understand what they did. Now you have given
me the understanding as well as an easy-to-remember method. I'll use

I launch KDE the same way you do (no DM). I also run a tiple monitor
setup, but I am using an nvidia GTX 1070 (and proprietary drivers),
for the time being.

My system does not have any issues when the monitors go to sleep. That
happens many times a day as I have a short timeout set.

I am very concerned about this primary problem (or problems) and I
hope I can find some understanding of what is going on. BTRFS has
worked well for me since 2012. While that's fantastic, it also means I
haven't had to troubleshoot it in the past. Now (because of 4 years of
problem-free operation) I'm using it on a critical production system.
I have backups, but I cannot allow these problems to go unresolved.

On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 5:32 PM, Duncan <> wrote:
> Dave T posted on Tue, 09 Aug 2016 14:07:46 -0400 as excerpted:
>> I hard reset my system, expecting the worst, but it rebooted normally.
>> journalctl -xb -p3 showed no entries.
> I don't have any suggestions for your primary problem, tho I do have a
> comment down below, but I do have a suggestion regarding your "hard
> reset".
> Consider doing some reading on "magic sysrequest", aka sysrq aka srq.
> $KERNDIR/Documentation/sysrq.txt , and there's lots of googlable articles
> about it as well.
> Basically, when you'd otherwise do a hard reset, try a series of triple-
> key chords, alt-sysrq-<otherkey> first.  (Sysrq is printscreen, if alt
> isn't pressed with it, so alt-sysrq-thirdkey.)
> The longer form of the emergency sequence is reisub -- you can read what
> the r-e-i keys due in the documentation -- but from my own experience, I
> find when the system's in bad enough shape I need to do an emergency
> reboot, these keys don't do much for me, while the last three, sub, often
> (but not always) do, and they're much easier to remember, so...
> Alt-sysrq-s alt-sysrq-u alt-sysrq-b
> s=Sync.  If the kernel is still alive and believes it's still stable
> enough to write to permanent storage without risking writing somewhere it
> shouldn't, this will force all write-cached "dirty" data to be written
> out.
> You can safely do an alt-srq-s at any time, and continue working, as it
> forces cached writes to be written out, but doesn't otherwise interfere
> with the running system.  As such, alt-srq-s is a useful sequence to use
> right before you do anything you suspect /might/ crash the system, like
> starting X with a new graphics driver.
> u=remoUnt-read-only.  Again, if the kernel is alive and stable, this will
> remount all filesystems read-only, allowing them to safely clean up in
> the process.  The action carries down to sub-filesystem layers like
> dmcrypt as well.
> Note that this is an emergency remount-read-only, so it's a bit more
> forceful regarding open files that would block an ordinary remount-
> readonly.  As such, consider the system unusable after doing an alt-srq-
> u, and shutdown or reboot immediately.
> b=reBoot.  This forces the kernel to do an immediate reboot, without
> syncing or remounting, etc.  Thus the s-u- first, to sync and remount.
> Besides being a bit safer than a hard reset, since when it works it
> allows the system to sync and cleanup the filesystems before the reboot,
> this also serves as a crude but effective method of finding out just how
> severely the system was locked up.  If the sync and remount steps light
> up your storage I/O activity LED, you know the kernel considered itself
> in pretty good shape, even if userspace was lost and there was no display
> at all.  If there's no response to them but the reboot step works, you
> know the kernel was still alive enough to respond, but either there
> wasn't anything dirty to write out, or more likely, the kernel believed
> itself to be corrupted, and thus didn't trust its ability to write to
> permanent storage without risking scribbling on other parts of the device
> (other files, perhaps even other partitions).  And of course if none of
> them work and you /do/ have to do a hard reboot, then you know the kernel
> itself was dead, at least to the point it could no longer respond at all
> to magic srq.
> As to the comment... I'm running plasma/kde5 on gentoo, here, but I'm
> running upstream-kde's live-git version, available via the gentoo/kde
> overlay.  Some weeks ago, for a period, something wasn't working, and
> every time I left the system alone long enough to lock the screen and
> power-down the monitors, when I came back the system would be crashed.
> With a bit of experimentation, I discovered that it would stay running as
> long as I didn't let the monitors power off automatically (I could power
> them down manually, tho), so for awhile, I was running xset -dpmi after
> every X/plasma restart (I start X/plasma using startx from a text login
> and don't use a *DM), to keep plasma from powering down the graphics
> adapter, tho it could and did still run the screenlocker.
> Since then, they fixed whatever it was and I can let the power-downs
> happen normally.  I don't believe the bug made it to a release, tho
> because I'm following live-git I'm not tracking the releases closely and
> could be mistaken.
> You mentioned arch, which IIRC is pretty close to upstream's release
> cycle, so it's just possible that if this /did/ hit a release, and you're
> running a new enough kde/plasma, the problem you're seeing may be related
> to what I was experiencing.  Tho I doubt it since as I said it was only a
> short period, and I don't think the defective code made it into a release.
> FWIW, tho, I'm running Radeon Turks graphics (hd6670, IIRC) with triple
> monitor and the native freedomware kernel/mesa/xorg driver, not frglx or
> whatever the proprietary thing is called.  If you're running Radeon, with
> the freedomware driver, especially if also running multi-monitor and the
> absolute latest plasma, you might try either downgrading a version to see
> if the problem goes away, or doing the xset -dpmi thing I was doing,
> temporarily.  It's just possible it'll help since your problem seems
> similarly to be triggering when you're away from the machine, but your
> problem does seem a bit different than mine (mine was a consistent
> crash), and I don't believe mine made release code anyway, so it's likely
> the similarity is just coincidence.
> --
> Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
> "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
> and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman
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